Former AP Gov. Students Spark Conversation through the School – Shep Slack
June 1, 2021
Senior Shep Slack took AP Government as a junior, and learned about the column through that.
“I was excited to become a columnist as it is a great opportunity to spread my views and have a positive political discussion,” Slack said.
Following his schooling here, Slack is planning on continuing his education.
“After high school, I plan to attend MSU [Michigan State University] and pursue a degree in the field of accounting,” Slack said.
Sometimes, the topics of the columns can be very heavy. Choosing the latest and most relevant topic is what the paper strives for.
“The hardest column for me to write was probably on Gun Control, it is an extremely sensitive topic and its basis is an issue where Americans are being slaughtered, it’s a very sensitive and emotional topic,” Slack said.
Writing the column can be difficult when people aren’t in the class but if they show that they have a clear understanding of what they are writing about and develop a clear opinion about it, their writing will gain more credibility.
“I have not gotten any backlash from the columns that I have written, but I am sure there are people out there who read my columns, are frustrated, and would like to yell at me. I don’t think that I have overstepped any line in terms of being socially acceptable, however, I have had to speak on extremely controversial topics such as Gun Control which controversy of beliefs is unavoidable,” Slack said.
At the end of the day, the column is a political voice for the writers of it and the readers have enjoyed voting for the side they agree with most.
“I enjoyed writing the column, it made me feel as though our voices matter as students and youth in society, it was fun to share my opinion with the entire school. Writing for this column was a great opportunity and I’m ever grateful,” Slack said.