Social Media Interview Controversy
Left: Senior Tyler Frechette being interviewed by Senior Patrick Guiney after varsity soccer game against Central on Oct. 5
October 25, 2021
A love has sparked from students in the school community for the after-game interviews done by Senior Pat Guiney and Senior Henry Melcher. They enjoy the casual and funny aspects of the interviews as well as seeing their peers highlighted on their feeds. Students have claimed the interviews to be a specifically WSH activity. A private high school in the area, Traverse City Saint Francis (TCSF), has started interviewing their own athletes after games which have been upsetting many WSH students.
“Man we should start doing these at WSH, [@patrick_guiney] would be really good at it,” senior Hunter Brisbois [@brisby_12] commented sarcastically on one of the [@tcsfstudentsection] interview posts.
Former WSH students, like senior Ella Pampu, were bothered by the fact that the [@tcsfstudentsection] account started doing interviews similar to the [@tcwbleachercreatures] account.
“Original,” Pampu [@ella.pampu] commented.
After receiving negative comments on their post, TCSF replied to anyone commenting against their use of interviews.
“We got this idea from Patrick Guiney and the [@tcwbleachercreatures] account. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THEM! We do not claim to have our own ideas,” TCSF senior Tommy Puetz said on behalf of the [@tcsfstudentsection] account.
Later on in the post, Puetz replies directly to WSH students.
“In fact, interviews have existed since before we were all born. So it isn’t necessarily ‘original’ for you guys to be doing them either,” Puetz said.
The TCSF student account also responded to the upset comments from WSH students.
“We respectfully would like to use the same idea to help promote our sports,” [@tcsfstudentsection] commented.
While the issue has died down, students from both schools have strong opinions about how the interviews should be handled between schools. Many WSH students believe that other schools shouldn’t be interviewing people after games like the [@tcwbleachercreatures] have, or that TCSF should have given more credit to WSH for the idea. Several TCSF students think that interviews are something that any school should be able to do, regardless of who started the idea. Students can continue to support and enjoy the fun-filled student interviews on the Bleacher Creatures Instagram account.