Ski team athletes prepare for a trip that takes place across the sea in Austria. Boys and girls take time out of their November to adventure on a week long trip to prepare for their ski season. Hard work and dedication are required to enjoy the stay.
“We get up really early, go on a 10 minute jog to the base and it kind of is not very fun because it is really early and cold and everything, but it gets you up. Then we go to breakfast, go up to our rooms, get changed, go to the bus stop, ride the bus to the base, go up the mountain, ski for five or six hours, come back and do some dry land,” senior skier Lila Warren said.
Warren describes the everyday itinerary for the trip. The trip consists of many different activities. Austria allows skiers to be able to have a more reliable area to ski.
“It has guaranteed snow, guaranteed land space Where in places like Colorado, the weather is always questionable,” junior skier Olivia Bageris said.
The trip consists of doing many things to prepare for the season. Skiers of all different grades spend each day putting in lots of effort to be successful.
“I felt like I was prepared for the season and had a head start [after skiing in Austria],” skier Graham Hislop said.
Not only do students feel prepared for the season after, but they also enjoy the scenery as well as the overall experience. Traveling abroad allows students to experience different cultures as well as enjoy amazing slopes.
“It’s a lot prettier than Colorado, it’s kinda like a life changing experience going out there, it’s culturally a lot different too, the food is better, just everything is better,” Warren said.