Leave the World Behind is Netflix’s newest Thriller/Drama, and as a person who does not enjoy thriller movies, I really enjoyed it. The film contained six main characters, Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke played a couple from New York City, Amanda and Clay Sanford, with two kids Rose and Archie. The Sanfords take a trip outside of the city to Long Island, where they rent an Air BNB, but when they start to see anomalies start to pop up like a boat crashing into the beach, they realize something is not right. When they get back to their house after the strange things, the Air BNB owners show up, George (G.H.) Washington, and his daughter Ruth, are begging to stay with Clay and Amanda’s family, when the couple wouldn’t allow it, the Washington’s have to bribe them. The family is suspicious of the Washingtons at first, but because they are in such desperate times, they agree to stay with them and try to survive the crazy world around them. As the six people live out the events, the world gets crazier, from flamingos in the pool to teeth falling out, everything is left unknown.
The movie consists of multiple parts:
Part I: The House: This is when the world starts to act strange and Amanda starts to get suspicious of everything that is occurring.
Part II: The Curve: Alerts start to go out from hackers and everything starts to glitch. As Clay drives around looking for help, red fliers begin to fly out of the sky with warnings in Arabic. To end this part, a loud-piercing noise frightens the people around. Archie and Rose explore the forest and find a cabin, where Archie gets bit by a bug and later has really bad side effects from it.
Part III: The Noise: When the couple is on edge and terrified of what is next, they attempt to leave Long Island, they try to drive to New Jersey but are surprised by a backup of white Teslas on autopilot crashing into one another, all the way across the Brooklyn Bridge to the city, so the Sandfords are forced to go back to the Washington’s house.
Part IV: The Flood: Ruth and Clay begin to bond outside discussing the fears they have, and so do Amanda and George, when all of a sudden the noise comes back and the power goes out.
Part V: The Last One: Archie’s side effects kick in and he loses his teeth, and Rose goes missing. George and Clay go out to find help for Archie from George’s contractor who does not want to help them and threatens them with a gun. Ruth and Amanda go look for Rose in the forest and are surrounded by deer, while Rose discovers a house far off from the Washington’s house and discovers a bunker.
Although this movie was quite long with 2h 21m, I do not believe that it was long enough as the ending left me speechless. The ending of the film did not seem to wrap everything up in the film, and it left me thinking about what ended up happening. I also felt that though it may be long, I was never bored, the film kept me engaged throughout the whole time. I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoys watching thriller – end of the world films, but I will say just be cautious when watching as it is rated R.