The United States Supreme Court has already elaborated that student loan forgiveness is unconstitutional. Towards the end of 2023, Biden-Harris announced an additional $9 billion in debt relief even after it was declared unconstitutional. Biden-Harris is determined to do whatever it takes to put the education of the upper class on the tab of middle and working class American families. Student loan debt should not be forgiven because it strains the economy, tabs middle-class families and is most importantly unconstitutional.
While the Supreme Court ultimately rejected the debt forgiveness request, the administration pursued alternative debt relief options, including loan forgiveness and income-driven repayment (IDR) plans. The suspension in student loan interest eventually ended on Sept. 1, 2023, and payments resumed on Oct. 1, 2023. According to the HERO’s act of 2001, “In Biden v. Nebraska, the court ruled that Biden did not have the authority to issue the forgiveness plan under the HEROES Act, a federal law passed in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that allows the education secretary to change student loan programs for those affected by the attack. In 2003, Congress extended the law so the federal government could provide loan relief to students impacted by war or a national emergency.” The HEROES Act allows the Secretary to ‘waive or modify’ existing statutory or regulatory provisions applicable to financial assistance programs under the Education Act, but, “Not to rewrite that statute to the extent of canceling $430 billion in student loan principal,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion.
As prices rise many people are now no longer considered middle class and the economy can no longer handle a student loan forgiveness program. According to data, many “middle-class” households struggle to make ends meet and cannot purchase basic essentials. When you consider all of the costs associated with achieving middle-class status, you may not fare much better than individuals with wages below the poverty line. The middle class also goes because it cannot afford to stay. However, because of student loan forgiveness, high taxes drive the high cost of living because they are incorporated into every step of the value chain. There is a multiplication effect. If you raise taxes on the wealthy by one dollar, everyone’s cost of living will rise by more than one dollar. This is also why the middle class is leaving high-tax states.
Student loan debt in the United States has skyrocketed in recent years, becoming one of the major forms of consumer borrowing in the country. According to, “The U.S. government invests in higher education for its people—through need-based tuition grants, student loan programs, veterans’ benefits, and research grants—because an educated and highly skilled workforce promotes national prosperity. Highly educated workers provide greater tax revenues, are generally more productive and civically engaged, and are less reliant on social programs. Canceling student loan debt may result in higher inflation rates. Canceling student loan debt may also result in higher interest rates. The economic consequences of total student loan debt cancellation may be far-reaching. Detractors call student loan debt cancellation poor economic stimulus.”
In conclusion, student loan debt is out of reach for the current United States economy. Full student loan cancellation may disproportionately aid advanced degree holders rather than intended disadvantaged groups. Advanced degree holders are also more likely to save their money than spend it and stimulate desired economic growth. All these reasons are more effects that may result.