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David Dee Takes on Shoe Customization

Junior David Dee starts a unique business during school.
David Dee Takes on Shoe Customization

  Some students try to start businesses of all sorts for many reasons, some being a way to make money or a way to keep themselves busy, but junior David Dee is starting a new business that isn’t very typical amongst many students. He has begun a shoe customization business, DavidDeeCustoms. 

  “I started [the business] by a friend asking me if I could take a picture of custom shoes that I did, and then from there, I ordered the supplies I needed and then looked at the picture and drew on the shoes,” Dee said. 

  These types of businesses require a lot of time and work that goes into the product while making sure the customers are satisfied and getting what they desire. Although Dee has just begun his business, his peers and others around him have seen his artistic talents in him long before the business had begun. 

  “[David] is extremely creative and he is really artistically creative, like visually artist creative. So since I’ve known him, and [I’ve known] David since he was a little boy because I am friends with his dad; his dad is the choir director down at the middle school, and as long as I have known him, he’s always been a doodler, a drawer, a design person. But what I’ve seen in the last few years is he started to say, ‘I can take this particular thing that I love to do and make it.’ I don’t think he is trying to make a whole bunch of money. I think he wants to share his art with others but realizes it has some value and therefore can make him some money, which is amazing,” Choir teacher Erich Wangeman said.  

  While growing up as a developing artist and now turning that creativity into something for many people to enjoy, Dee is able to do this thing that not many people are able to say they did as well. Dee is also in choir, and with both the business and choir, he is able to expand and let his creative energy out into these outlets. 

  “All the kinds of details that he sees that are outside of the box [are things] he brings into the rehearsal in choir. He will raise his hand and say the most profound kind of thing during choir and everyone will be like, ‘oh cool.’ He has that eye and that thought process,” Wangeman said. 

  While channeling a lot of this creativity in the business, Dee also has to settle on the specifics of what the customer wants, and from there, he is able to work on his own ideas as well. The longevity of the process really involves deciding what the customer wants and how he can incorporate their desires into the shoe. 

  “He showed me some things that he had already done, and I found the cherry blossom tree that I liked, but I wanted them blue because I don’t wear a lot of pink, so he said he could do them for me and then in the process he sent me pictures and colors and asked me about the designs,” junior and customer Gabi Schroka said. 

  After deciding what the customers want and negotiating, when Dee is able to get working, he has to put in a lot of work. It is not as easy as many would think. By customizing the shoes, it can take a lot of time, energy and money away from the artist. 

  “I basically take the customers’ ideas for what colors they like and possible designs, and then I come up with a concept drawing or two and then see what the customer likes, and from there I can move forward with the drawing. Right now, I am starting customizations at around $90-100, but I am looking to raise the price because I am not making as much as a profit. For an overall shoe with paint, I spend about $200,” Dee said.

  A good, strong process and customer treatment can help add to the clientele. This business has drawn the attention of multiple people, sales have increased and he is able to put out more shoes. With a strong system, Dee has seen an increase in the recognition for his small business. 

  “So far, I have had one person from Central [High School] named Jet, and a girl from West named Gabi, and then my cousin who plays baseball for Spring Arbor. As far as people are interested, on Instagram anyone can DM me [@daviddeecustoms], but so far it has only been local people,” Dee said. 

  Although he has only had students buy his shoes so far, some of his teachers have shown interest in his business and talent and have begun to point out his work and admire it. 

  “I will stop class to say ‘look at those [shoes],’ just ‘cause it is kind of cool. He has gone out innovatively, and I know he is doing something to get his name out there. They are really cool. He said at one point, ‘It would be so cool if he could do the entire basketball team,’” Wangeman said. 

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