Getting into a Routine

Students get back into the school routine after summer break

Photo: E. Shoemaker/staff

Alyssa Masiewicz and Emilia Shoemaker

  Getting back into the routine of school and waking up early can be rough for students. Managing homework, extracurricular activities, while trying to get enough sleep, can be hard if students are no longer used to it. Although it can be difficult, freshman Emily Kozlowski decides to take it one day at a time. 

  “First I, of course, fix my sleep schedule. I try not to stress about it, even though it is high school. I’m pretty normal about it, I got used to it,” Kozlowski said. 

  Last year, because of COVID-19, students were online for the first two weeks of the school year. Senior Emma Ellis thinks that this year was a fresh start compared to last year because students get to participate in school events and get to be in-person, which makes the transition a little bit easier. 

  “Definitely think it made it easier, because you get to meet your teachers, and see who’s in your classes on the first day and start making friends,” said Ellis. “It’s also more exciting like knowing that you’ll be able to talk to your friends and you’ll be able to go to games and dances.” 

  Science teacher Megan Bartley also finds transitioning from summer to school hard. Although she is a teacher, she sympathizes with students especially at the beginning of the year.

  “I think in the summer we listen more to our personal body clock and satisfy more of our needs, and during the school year we have to adjust into a schedule,” Bartley said. 

  Not only is adjusting to the routine of school difficult for some students this year but with COVID-19 the past couple of years, it’s been even more challenging. 

  “I think everybody is really exhausted from the last two years and for many people you build skills as to how to get back into school, or even get used to high school for some kids, and we haven’t had a lot of time to practice that,” Bartley said. 

  As the school year goes on and the workload gets harder, some students find it easier to manage their time since they are back in the routine of school and homework. 

  “I would say that the schoolwork gets harder, but it gets easier since you figure out what works best for you like time management wise and how much time you need to devote to each subject,” Ellis said.