The High School Equivalent to Blind Dating

For a fun Valentine’s Day experiment, Student Senate brought back a fan favorite with their annual match making service


Photo Courtsey: A. Dobrowolski

Student Senate sent a survey to ensure matches were appropriately paired

  It’s February and you know what that means, it’s the season of love. Also known as the worst time of year to be single. It can be hard to find someone in high school who shares common interests because you only get so much time during the day to talk.

  Student Senate came up with an idea on how to help people find someone who shares common interests with them. The high school version of blind dating, the matchmaking game, if you will. This is the third year Senate has set this up for students. The week before valentine’s students had the opportunity to fill out a survey and then be matched with someone who shares similar interests.

  The survey starts by asking the students name, gender, and gender preference. Then students are able to select their interests from a list and then answer what the student is looking for.  The gender preference questions allows any and all students to participate without the stress of being matched with someone who is not their preferred gender. Student senate worked very hard to make sure all students felt welcomed to participate in the matchmaking service.

The second page to the matchmaking survey sent out before Valentine’s Day (Photo Courtesy: A. Dobrowlski)

  Students received their results on Valentine’s Day. Most students were matched with more than one person, which allows students to get to know more than just one person and really dive into their similarities.

  Not only is the matchmaking service a fun way to find a new significant other but it could also create friendships with someone you would have never met. It is very common for students in high school to stay within the same group of friends—which isn’t a bad thing—and that does limit the amount of people they interact with. Many students don’t realize how much they have in common with someone until they really get to know each other.

  Although the matchmaking service was a huge success with over 100 submissions, there was one down side. There was an uneven amount of males and females who filled out the survey. There were many more females who preferred males than males looking for females. This is what led the student senate to match people up with more than one person. Something that started off as an issue ended up being a huge success. Males were not the only ones matched with more than one person, they matched females with a few people as well so they were able to interact with multiple people.

  Student Senate plans on continuing the matchmaking service for the years to come. It is a very creative way for students to make new connections whether that is romantically or not. If you’re interested in participating in the high school equivalent of blind dating, mark your calendars for next year! The week before Valentine’s Day—don’t forget it.